the characters of the world
as a primarily streamed series, the main protaganists of the series were the main streamers. season two featured a more expansive world with NPCs and more scripted events, but season one was mostly just a small group screwing around in a minecraft server.
what the hell is a "tiem riester"
tiem riester is the joke group name for the five main "heroes" of the series - tom syndicate synhd etc, tucker "jericho" boner, sonja omgitsfirefoxx, captain jordan sparklez, and james "wag" waglington. the name came from trinity island, a hardcore series which took place in the off-season between season one and season two of mianite. (trinity island only featured tom synhd, tucker, sonja, and jordan)
tiem riester is a miss-type of "time restart" by tucker. a joke making fun of tucker turned into their group name.
who is fyreuk
my personal favorite mianite perspective! they only streamed in season two, and did their own thing away from what tiem riester did. they're mostly completely unconnected. fyreuk were the main builders of season one, and you've likely seen many, many of their builds if you've watched any minecraft youtube. (while they were active, they were builders for yogscast minecraft series, as well)
fyreuk in the context of mianite refers to the following members: matt ifirez, phil brutealmighty, and tom killertom. waglington was also a member, and was one of the builders with them in season one, though he is more often associated with tiem riester because of season two of mianite.